pull through operation
<→PULL-THROUGH operation>
pull-through operation
: 貫通手術{かんつう しゅじゅつ}
pull through
: pull through 凌 りょう
: {名} : やせた人、銃身手入れ綱
to pull through
: to pull through 凌ぐ しのぐ
through operation
: 普通運転{ふつう うんてん}
push pull operation
push-pull operation
: プッシュプル動作{どうさ}
endorectal pull-through procedure
: 直腸貫通法{ちょくちょう かんつうほう}
manage to pull through a crisis
: ピンチを切り抜ける
pull one through a difficulty
: 急場をしのぐのに役立つ
pull through okay
: 元気{げんき}を取り戻す
to pull through the year end
: to pull through the year end 年末を凌ぐ ねんまつをしのぐ
go through an operation
: 手術{しゅじゅつ}を受ける
once-through operation
: once-through operation 単流操作[化学]; 単流操作[機械]
through one-touch operation
: ワンタッチで◆非標準英語
"pull the wool over sb's eyes" 意味
"pull the wool over someone's eyes" 意味
"pull the world economy along" 意味
"pull through" 意味
"pull through okay" 意味
"pull to" 意味
"pull to a halt" 意味
"pull to one side" 意味
"pull to pieces" 意味
"pull through" 意味
"pull through okay" 意味
"pull to" 意味
"pull to a halt" 意味
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